Topic: Pedagogical-psychological knowledge of teachers about diversity in the context of school inclusion

Pedagogical-psychological knowledge of teachers includes knowledge about learners, learning and teaching, which is independent of the subject or field of education (Voss, Kunina-Habenicht, Hoehne & Kunter, 2015). It is a component of teachers' professional competence and is associated with, among other things, higher teaching quality and lower burnout symptoms. Several test procedures are already available for assessing pedagogical-psychological knowledge, which differ significantly in terms of content focus as well as length and test material used (for a current overview, see Voss et al., 2015).
With the striving for school inclusion, the pedagogical-psychological knowledge of teachers about different learning conditions of students comes more into focus. As part of the project "DoProfil - Dortmund Profile for Inclusion-Oriented Teacher Education", which is funded by the Quality Offensive Teacher Education of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, we developed a test to assess (prospective) teachers' knowledge about different diversity aspects in the context of school inclusion (Heyder, Bergold & Steinmayr, 2018; Heyder, Vaskova, Hußmann & Steinmayr, 2018). Now we want to find out what knowledge (prospective) teachers already have and which aspects of knowledge are judged to be particularly important for teaching all students together. In addition to curricular and didactic impulses for inclusion-oriented teacher education at the TU Dortmund University, we seek, among other things, insights into the structure and development of knowledge about diversity as well as the importance of knowledge for the attitudes and self-efficacy of (prospective) teachers regarding the common teaching of all students. In addition, we examine the extent to which diversity knowledge is related to student and classroom characteristics among elementary school teachers.
Contact persons: Lisa Tometten, M. Sc. (no longer at TU Dortmund), Dr. Anke Heyder and Prof. Dr. Ricarda Steinmayr