Teaching & Exams
The courses for the study of psychology as a teaching subject and psychology as a minor can be found on the pages of the electronic course catalog LSF (Teaching - Studies - Research).
The courses of the teaching subject Psychology are listed under "Vorlesungsverzeichnis" in the portal "Veranstaltungen" and there under "Erziehungswissenschaft, Psychologie und Bildungsforschung". In order to participate in a course, it is necessary to log in to LSF beforehand.
Note on teaching: Not all courses are offered every semester and please contact the respective lecturer for courses with compulsory attendance in case of illness .

Exam results are administered centrally. For participation in examinations, unless otherwise noted, registration in the examination administration system is BOSS (Bologna Online Study Service)is necessary. Registrations must normally be made up to two weeks before the examination! If you do not take part in an examination despite registering, it will be deemed to have been failed.
In case ofIllness on exam day written notification of illness is required immediately, no later than seven calendar days after the examination date. Otherwise, the examination will be assessed as failed. Further information can be found at the Central Examination Administration of the TU Dortmund University.